Free Photo Gallery Plugin for Website - The Best Rated Photo Gallery App

The easy way to build a professional photo gallery app for any website, with no code.

Trusted on over 12,000,000 websites
#3 Product of the month

No credit card required

Why POWR Photo Gallery for your website?

Product Showcase

Show off your products in a brilliant and stunning style to increase the chances of converting website visitors into customers.

Customer Testimonials

Improve your social proof and create brand loyalty with highlighted, detailed testimonials accompanied by colorful images.


Highlight your employees and teams with a gallery of photos to personalize your company and build trust with your website visitors.

POWR has enhanced my website and makes my life easier in the process, which let's face it, is what we all need more of in our lives!
Lisa Hardy

@ Good World Graphics

Advanced Customization

Gallery Arrangement
Photo Editing
Match Your Brand Style Perfectly
Social Sharing

Easily Accept Payments

One-time payments‎
Create discount codes

Frequently Asked Questions

Will displaying photos on my website benefit my business?

Familiarizing your site visitors with your products is essential. What better way to tell visitors about your product, what it does, how it helps them, and what it looks like than a photo gallery?

Human beings are visual creatures that can be motivated to purchase an item simply by seeing it. Show off the quality of your offerings by putting your products right in front of their eyes.

Include a Buy Now button directly in the photo and drive more sales directly from your website.

How difficult is it to set up a Photo Gallery?

Easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Select the photos you want to showcase and arrange them in a layout that’s pleasing to the eye.
  2. Fully customize or select auto-customizing so each photo is sized and branded correctly.
  3. Set up how you would like to interact with potential customers

Voilé! You have a fully branded and beautiful array of photos to showcase on your website!

Does having a photo gallery on my website impact my visitor engagement?

The short answer is yes, but the impact can be positive or negative depending on the quality. When your photos have excellent quality, such as a high pixel count, visually stunning background, and good lighting, your visitor engagement will be higher and “share-worthy” on social media.

When the photo quality is low, such as low-grade pixel clarity causing the photo to blur, or when there is a muted color scheme, it will negatively affect engagement.

Choose your photos carefully!

What size photos do I need, and is there a standard size?

When selecting photo size, bigger is always better. The bigger the photo, the more pixels it has. The more pixels it has, the sharper the image.

For example, in the old days, televisions were 720 pixels per square inch. Then came 1080p. Now, there's 4K TV. That’s because there are 4,000 pixels per square inch, which is the standard now.

The same goes for photos. The better the user experience for your website visitors, the better the chances of keeping them on the page and converting them to paying customers.

What type of image file should I use?

The two most common file types are .png and .jpg. PNG is commonly used for “flat images” such as illustrations or logos.

You should choose a JPG for high-quality photos containing several gradients. Also, photographs saved as PNG files are pretty large and will slow down your site speed.

Works With Any Website

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