Free Product Reviews App for Website: The Best Rated Product Reviews App

The easy way to build a professional Product Reviews app for any website, with no code.

Trusted on over 12,000,000 websites
#3 Product of the month

No credit card required

Why POWR Product Reviews for your website?

Provide Social Proof

Showcase real-life reviews to prove trust, build loyalty, and increase the chances of converting website visitors into customers.

Improve Overall Sales

If you're not showing reviews, you're missing out on ~70% of your sales. Reviews show what people believe about a product and how they might feel when they try it.

Collect Valuable Testimonials

Use insights from customer testimonials, comments, ratings, and reviews to improve the flow and function of your online store or website.

POWR has enhanced my website and makes my life easier in the process, which let's face it, is what we all need more of in our lives!
Lisa Hardy

@ Good World Graphics

Advanced Customization

Display Control
Easy Review Moderation
Match Your Brand Style Perfectly


Email Notifications
Require Approval

Frequently Asked Questions

How do customer reviews benefit my business?

Product reviews act as powerful user-generated content (UGC), allowing loyal customers to enhance your marketing and earmark your business as a trusted company.

Each reviewer can share their opinion through site reviews and help increase your traffic.

Integrating an app on your site, inviting reviews, and being sincere about your responses is a fantastic way to leverage free promotion, adding valuable, original content through one straightforward app. The POWR Product Reviews app works on many different web-hosting platforms and can transform your website.

How do I build on Google Reviews with the POWR Product Reviews app?

We all know that Google reviews are a massively popular rating system, so grasping the opportunity to integrate Google reviews and their brand marketing on your website's key landing pages can have profound benefits!

Customers who can read product reviews to see other customer's thoughts and feelings are more likely to buy.

How hard is it to set up a reviews plugin?

The POWR Product Reviews app makes adding reviews to your website simple. You can add a review plugin directly to your site without any coding experience.

POWR offers the #1 WordPress reviews plugin, which is also compatible with any website-building platform. You can embed a review plugin on any web page to showcase your authenticity, which builds brand trust.

How do I encourage customers to leave reviews on my website?

Brand advocacy is the cornerstone of organic growth, so offering discounts, loyalty points, or other perks can increase the volume of product reviews you receive through your app. You can also send out email review requests to gather additional product reviews to post online.

The POWR Product Reviews plugin provides a seamless user experience, so you can prompt a review after each sale and boost browsing time and engagement from lots of new prospective customers. You can also add a notification bar to encourage customers to leave new reviews.

Can I improve my credibility with product reviews?

The ultimate goal with product reviews is to a) provide useful content site visitors can trust and b) create opportunities for more conversions.

A detailed review can influence consumers when buying online. A product review shows these new site visitors what other people think about your product or service and motivates them to purchase.

Giving customers a voice through product reviews empowers buyers to feel confident in the brand's credibility, allows interested buyers to browse reviews, spend more time on your site, and make confident purchase decisions.

Do product reviews heavily influence online purchase decisions?

9 out of 10 consumers trust reviews more than advertising, so if you want to develop a strong reputation and demonstrate your authenticity, having a review plugin is the best way to go.

The POWR Product Reviews plugin easily integrates customer reviews from Google or other sources onto your websites. Once the plugin is set up, the app will do most of the work for you and seamlessly add reviews to the site.

How do I deal with negative online product reviews?

In between awesome reviews, you'll likely get a negative one now and then. Not what anyone wants, naturally, but as they say, you can't please everyone, all the time.

You have two options:

1. Filter your reviews through the review moderator.

2. Respond publicly to negative reviews.

Regardless, we always recommend #2. Publicly responding to negative product reviews can improve customer relations and build your brand trust.

How can I turn a bad product review into a positive?

Less-than-perfect product reviews are a part of life, and by being transparent through your product review plugin, you prove that you care when things don't go right, demonstrating excellent customer service.

Of course, it's totally up to you how you manage poor reviews, but if you can flip the review conversation around, you're likely to see incredible results!

How can I use my reviews to improve SEO?

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the practice of writing content and building your web pages so your website can be found when someone is searching for information on search engines like Google or Bing.

Beyond better SEO, there are other advantages to your business when publishing reviews such as reducing bounce rates and lowering cart abandonment. You can use this plugin to grow your site reviews!

As site visitors stay on your page longer, your traffic grows - and the authentic content included in your reviews will keep the Google SEO algorithm happy!

Works With Any Website

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