The easy way to build a professional photo or video gallery for any website, with no code.

Give up struggling with CSV files, sorting through old files, and battling spreadsheets. Within minutes, begin sharing real-time data that promotes better decisions.

Trusted on over 12,000,000 websites
#3 Product of the month

No credit card required

Why POWR Media Gallery for your website?

Drive 34% More Sales

By displaying product images in a professional gallery that boosts your credibility.

Increase Revenue More Than 17%

By helping customers visualize the benefits they’ll get from your product or service in a lookbook.

Reduce Bounce Rate By 40%

With an engaging gallery that increases the visual appeal of your site and drives action with call-to-action buttons.

POWR has enhanced my website and makes my life easier in the process, which let's face it, is what we all need more of in our lives!
Lisa Hardy

@ Good World Graphics

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I add a Media Gallery to my website?

The number of images and videos viewed daily online is in the billions. Why? Because humans are visual creatures. We learn by looking.

There’s no better way to communicate your product or service to your website visitors than through the power of media. Show them why they should buy from you and why they should remain a loyal customer. There’s no better way to increase your customer lifetime value year over year than with a solid media component in your marketing strategy.

Will displaying images and videos on my website benefit my business?

Familiarizing your site visitors with your products is essential. What better way to tell visitors about your product, what it does, how it helps them, and what it looks like than a media gallery?

Human beings are visual creatures that can be motivated to purchase an item simply by seeing it. Show off the quality of your offerings by putting your products right in front of their eyes.

Include a Buy Now button directly in your gallery and drive more sales directly from your website.

How difficult is it to set up a Media Gallery?

Easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Select the images and videos you want to showcase and arrange them in a layout that’s pleasing to the eye.
  2. Fully customize or select auto-customizing so each media piece is sized and branded correctly.
  3. Set up how you would like to interact with potential customers

Voilé! You have a fully branded and beautiful array of multimedia to showcase on your website!

Does having a media gallery on my website impact my visitor engagement?

The short answer is yes, but the impact can be positive or negative depending on the quality. When your multimedia is top-quality, such as a high pixel count, visually stunning background, and good lighting, your visitor engagement will be higher and “share-worthy” on social media.

When the media quality is low, such as low-grade pixel clarity causing a blur or a muted color scheme, it will negatively affect engagement.

Choose your images and videos carefully!

What if I don’t have a lot of images & videos to share? I don’t have expensive equipment.

Do you have a smartphone? Then you have all the necessary equipment you’ll need. The latest smartphone technology allows you to record sharp, high-quality 4K resolution images and videos with hundreds of editing options, all for free.

Studies have shown that users prefer more candid media than expensive, professionally done shoots. If you’re curious, here are 10 tips for creating better videos with your handheld device.

What kinds of videos should I add to a Media Gallery?

There are no wrong answers here!

  • - An introduction video
  • - Show us around your business
  • - Let people meet the staff
  • - Show off your production process
  • - Product-specific videos
  • - Describe the services you offer
  • How-to videos

The possibilities truly are endless. The more you show, the more your business will grow.

Is installing the POWR Media Gallery app difficult and time-consuming?

The time-consuming part is up to you. It will depend on how many media pieces you’d like to upload and how much customization you’d like to do to them. It is a best practice to put ample thought and attention into what you want to communicate to your site visitors. One thing that is without question is how important multimedia content is to your overall marketing strategy.

POWR has more than 3,000 5-star reviews as a testament to how easy all our website apps are to create and install. The process is simple and intuitive. You will be led step by step in the POWR Editor until your media gallery is customized and completed to your exact specifications.

Works With Any Website

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